Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List

Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List

Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List

Top 20 Probiotic Foods List

 This article, We talk about Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List. we know probiotics are an alive and healthy microorganism. These microorganisms are more essential for health. It takes cares our brain and entire body. It also good for our gastrointestinal health and our heart.As well as probiotic is good for our skin.Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods List below Probiotic Foods List -
1. Yogurt - Yogurt is a natural source of probiotic. Yogurt decrease frequency of diarrhea in children, if buying yogurt to target for three things - 1. It comes from goats or sheep's milk, 2. Organic, 3. grass fed.
Top 20 Probiotic Foods List

2.Kefir - Kefir is a fermented dairy product. This is a combination of fermented Kefir grains and milk.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Kefir

3. Kimchi - main source Cabbage but made from other vegetables. Kimchi is a fermented, and also Korean dish.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Kimchi

4. Miso - Miso is made by fermenting soybeans, salt, and type of fungus called Koji. Miso also made by mixing soybeans with rice, barley, rye. Miso is a popular Japanese spice.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Miso

5. Sauerkraut - Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage, and fermented by lactic acid bacteria. Sauerkraut as a side dish. It is salty taste, sour. It is a popular food in Europe, especially in Germany.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Sauerkraut

6. Kombucha -  Kombucha is a fermented tea drink such as green tea or black tea. It's origin around Japan.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Kombucha

7. Tempeh - It is a fermented Soybean product.Tempeh origin from Indonesia but the popular whole world.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Tempeh

8. Pickles - Cucumbers pickled in a solution of salt and water and known as Gherkins. It improves our digestive health.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Pickles

9. Natto - Natto is a fermented Soybean product. It is a Staple in Japanese kitchens. Natto mixed with rice and delivered with breakfast.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Natto

10. Buttermilk - Buttermilk is a fermented dairy drink. Buttermilk is two types 1. Traditional, 2.Cultured.Traditional buttermilk found in South Asia such as India, Pakistan, and Nepal. Cultured buttermilk found in America.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Buttermilk

11. Cheese -  Cheese is fermented such as -Mozzarella, Gouda, Cheddar, Cottage cheese. But all of them not contain probiotics.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-cheese

12.Kvass -  Kvass is a common fermented beverage in Eastern Europe. Kvass made by fermenting rye or barley. Now a recent day Kvass made by beets, fruit, and other root vegetables.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Food List-Kvass

13. Apple cider vinegar.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Apple cider vineger

14. Salted gherkin pickles.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List-Salted gherkin pickles

15. Brine-cured olives.
Prebiotic And Probiotic Food List-Brine-cured olives

16.Coconut Kefir.
Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods List Coconut Kefir

17. Dark Chocolate.
probiotic foods list-Dark Chocolate

18.Green Peas.
probiotic foods list-Green Peas

19. Green Olives.
Prebiotic And Probiotic Food List-Green Olive

20.Sourdough Bread.
probiotic foods list-Sourdough Bread

Top 41 Prebiotic Foods List
Prebiotic Foods List
Fruits are -
1. Apples.
2. Bananas.
3. Berries.
4. Mango.
5. Tomatoes.
vegetables are -
6. Asparagus.
7. Onions.
8. Artichokes.
9. Leeks.
10. Garlic.
11. Daikon Radishes.
13. Carrots
14. Bell Peppers.
15. Sweet Potatoes.
17. Jicama.
18. Yams.
19. Cabbage.
20. Beets.
21.Dandelion Greens.
22. Chicory root.
23. konjac Root.
24. Coconut.
Other Sources -
25. Honey.
26. Cocoa.
27. Coconut flour.
28. Ginger root.
29. Hemp Seeds.
30. Chia Seeds.
31. Seaweed.
32. Flaxseeds.
33. Pumpkin Seeds.
34. Quinoa.
35. wild Rice.
36. Legumes.
37. Barley.
38. Oats.
39. Burdock Root.
40. Yacon Root.
41. wheat bran.

See Also....Best Probiotic For Men
                  Probiotic And Alcohol

Resource: Wikipedia.

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